¡Viva viernes!     (Long live Friday! In other words, TGIF!)

La fecha es el seis (6) de diciembre del año dos mil veinticuatro. (The date is December 6, 2024.)

Mi Mayor Venganza (My Greatest Revenge) is a salsa by the Puerto Rican princess of salsa La India. It tells the story of getting over a bad relationship and watching another person relive a bad relationship with the ex.

“Ni pienses que voy a pelear por él” (Don’t even think that I will fight over him),

“Ni sueñes que voy a luchar por él” (Nor dream that I will fight for him).

“Yo te lo regalo” (You can have him).

“Llévatelo lejos” (Take him far away).

“Él es mala suerte y yo no lo quiero” (He’s bad luck and I don’t want him).

“Mi mayor venganza será… que te quedes con él” (My greatest revenge will be… that you’re left with him).

“Mi mayor venganza será… que al pasar de los años tú descubras su engaño” (My greatest revenge will be… that as the years pass, you will find out his deceipt).

“Y como un alma en pena vivas al fin, moribunda de amor… mientras yo me río” (And like a soul in sorrow, you may live to the end, dying from love… while I laugh).

¡Bailemos y cantemos! (Let’s dance and sing!)  Sing along to la letra (the lyrics).

¡Que tengas un viernes vengativo!     (May you have a vindictive Friday!)

L. A. Feliz
