¡Viva viernes! (Long live Friday! In other words, TGIF!)
La fecha es el tres (3) de noviembre del año dos mil veintitrés. (The date is November 3, 2023.)
Tus Besos (Your Kisses) by Salvadoran indie group Cartas a Felice is an empowering swing-style song reflecting standing up to anyone who seeks our positive energy and support after stabbing us in the back.
“Pensaste que aún me apetecías.” (You thought that you still appealed to me).
“Creíste que tu encanto bastaría, para borrar la injuria de tu crimen, para ahogar la bilis que vertiste.” (You thought that your enchantment would be enough to erase the injury of your crime, to drown the bile that you spilled).
“Acaso mi dolor es de olvidarse, mi corazón juguete de tu antojo.” (Maybe my pain is to be forgotten, my heart a toy of your whim).
“Me prometiste amor y diste llanto.” (You promised me love and gave tears).
“Doliste tanto…” (You hurt so much).
“Quédate vos con tus besos” (Keep your kisses to yourself).
“Que se pudran en tus labios.” (May they rot on your lips).
“Y que no haya, ya más nunca forma de volver.” (And may there never be a way to go back).
¡Cantemos y bailemos! (Let’s sing and dance!) You can sing along to la letra (the lyrics).
¡Que tengas un viernes vindicativo! (May you have a vindictive Friday!)
L. A. Feliz