¡Viva viernes!    (Long live Friday! In other words, TGIF!)

La fecha es el veintinueve (29) de diciembre del año dos mil veintitrés. (The date is December 29, 2023.)

I have been reflecting on how we should embrace how the past has shaped us and value each of our experiences. On that note, I would like to share Paraguayan rock band Flou’s Mi centro (My Center).

“No hay cómo huir de la verdad” (There is no way to flee from the truth). 

“Me consumí en intentos” (I was consumed in intentions).

“Parte de mí vuelve a vivir al encontrar mi centro” (Part of me lives again upon finding my center).

“Soy lo que el tiempo hizo de mí” (I am what time made of me).

“No hay vuelta atrás en este film…” (There is no return in this film).

“Deconstruir mi realidad en un sinfin de recuerdos” (To deconstruct my reality in endless memories),

“Poder salir de la obviedad, hoy sanaré por dentro” (To be able to leave obviousness, today I will heal from within).

¡Cantemos y reflexionemos! (Let’s sing and reflect!) You can sing along to la letra (the lyrics).

¡Que tengas un viernes vuelto!    (May you have a returned Friday!)

L. A. Feliz
