¡Viva viernes! (Long live Friday! In other words, TGIF!)
La fecha es el veintiocho (28) de octubre del año dos mil veintidós. (The date is October 28, 2022.)
El Mareo (Dizziness) is a music fusion performed by Bajofondo and Gustavo Cerati. This song describes feelings at the end of a relationship.
“Con los ojos no te veo” (I can’t see you with my eyes).
“Sé que se me viene el mareo” (I know that I’m getting dizzy).
“Y es entonces cuando quiero salir a caminar.” (And that’s when I want to go for a walk).
“El agua me ciega” (The water blinds me).
“Hay vidrio en la arena” (There’s glass in the sand).
“Ya no me da pena dejarte un adiós.” (It no longer shames me to tell you goodbye).
“Así son las cosas, amargas, borrosas,” (That’s how things are, painful, hazy).
“Son fotos veladas de un tiempo mejor.” (They’re blurry pictures from a better time).
Sing along as you make your way to the dance floor. ¡Bailemos y cantemos! (Let’s dance and sing!) Follow along with the letra (lyrics).
¡Que tengas un viernes vívido! (May you have a vivid Friday!)
L. A. Feliz