¡Viva viernes! (Long live Friday! In other words, TGIF!)
La fecha es el veinticinco (25) de agosto del año dos mil veintitrés. (The date is August 25, 2023.)
I want to share a classic bachata (which is one of my all-time favorites), Quizás Sí, Quizás No (Maybe Yes, Maybe No) by Héctor Acosta “El Torito” of the legendary Dominican group Los Toros Band.
Prepare to sing along to these key lines in the song:
“Me dirá” (She will tell me),
“Basta ya” (I’ve had enough).
“Y se irá de mi lado” (And she will go from my side).
“Yo la vi junto a él” (I saw her next to him).
“Comprendí que había perdido” (I understood that I had lost).
“Sus ojos me gritaban que la amaba como hace mucho que lo hace conmigo” (His eyes shouted to me that he loved her the way I have for so long).
“Me mira hoy con pena porque sabe que la amo locamente como ayer” (He looks at me today with pity, because he knows that I love her crazily like yesterday).
“Recuerdo aquella luna en su cuarto” (I remember that moon in her room),
“El viento acariciándole la cara” (The wind caressing her face),
“Cuando eramos felices de estar juntos” (When we were happy to be together),
“Y ahora otros sueños nos separan” (And now other dreams separate us).
“Lloraré” (I will cry),
“Quizás sí, quizás no” (Maybe yes, maybe no),
“Si no lloras tú” (If you don’t cry).
“Escribiré” (I will write),
“Quizás sí, quizás no” (Maybe yes, maybe no),
“Si me escribes tú” (If you write me).
“Miénteme” (Lie to me),
“No me importa creer lo que digas…tú” (It’s not important for me to believe what you say).
“Olvidaré” (I will forget),
“Yo no te he visto con él si lo juras tú” (I haven’t seen you with him if you swear it).
¡A bachatear! (Time to dance bachata!) Sing along to la letra (the lyrics) as you sway those hips.
¡Que tengas un viernes vocal! (May you have a vocal Friday!)
L. A. Feliz