¡Viva viernes! (Long live Friday! In other words, TGIF!)
La fecha es el veintiuno (21) de abril del año dos mil veintitrés. (The date is April 21, 2023.)
Today we learn about the strong influence of Yoruba culture in Cuba with Telmary and Pedrito Martínez’s Maradentro (Sea Within). In this song, you will be introduced to Yemayá, Olokun, and Pachamama. An orisha is a spirit in Yoruba religion. Yemayá is the orisha of motherhood and the sea. Olokun is the orisha of great wealth and the bottom of the sea. Pachamama is the indigenous name for “Mother Earth.”
“Te cuento, tenía k(que) venir a hablar contigo, Yemayá; con todas ustedes, aclaro,
pero contigo Olokun mucho más” (I tell you, I had to come talk with you, Yemayá; with all of you, I clarify, but with you, Olokun, much more).
“Tu paz es necesaria” (Your peace is necessary).
“Tranquiliza tus aguas” (Calm your waters).
“Quédate bella y calma.” (Remain beautiful and calm).
“Así limpias nuestra alma, Yemayá.” (That’s how you clean our soul, Yemayá).
“Danos una tregua, dame un salve k está furiosa Patchamama.” (Give us a rest, give me an escape, for Pachamama is furious).
“Cuando rompes como fuego arrasas” (When you break, you escape like fire).
“Nada te cura nada te para” (Nothing cures you, nothing stops you).
¡Bailemos y cantemos! (Let’s dance and sing!) You can find la letra (lyrics) if you click “Show More” in the YouTube video link from above.
¡Que tengas un viernes viscoso! (May you have a viscous Friday!)
L. A. Feliz