¡Viva viernes!     (Long live Friday! In other words, TGIF!)

La fecha es el veinte (20) de enero del año dos mil veintitrés. (The date is January 20, 2023.)

Get your salsa shoes ready for ¿Quién eres tú? (Who are you?) by the Nicaraguan salsero Luis Enrique. Have you ever met someone who blows your mind? You may feel disbelief from all of the enchantment. These are the sentiments expressed in this song.

“Sé que has logrado inspirarme y hasta un poco enloquecerme sin conocerte” (I know that you have managed to inspire me and even drive me a little crazy without knowing you). 

“Fue improvista tu llegada y no quiero imaginarme un adiós” (Your arrival was unforeseen, and I don’t want to imagine a goodbye). 

“Como ves que has logrado penetrar en mis sueños y adueñarte de todo lo que soy” (As you see that you have managed to get into my dreams and take over everything that I am)

“Es que apenas me doy cuenta cómo estoy” (It’s just that I barely realize how I am).

“¿Quién eres tú, si parece no importarte lo que sientes al mirarme talvez por miedo?” (Who are you, if it seems to not matter to you what you feel upon looking at me, possibly from fear?)

“¿Quién eres tú?” (Who are you?).

“¿Qué poseen tus encantos?” (What do your enchantments possess?).

“Que no puedo rechazarlos y me muero por probar de tu pasión” (I just can’t refuse them and I’m dying to try your passion).

¡Bailemos y cantemos! (Let’s dance and sing!) Sing along to the letra (lyrics).

¡Que tengas un viernes vivaz!     (May you have a bright Friday!)

L. A. Feliz
