¡Viva viernes! (Long live Friday! In other words, TGIF!)
La fecha es el dieciocho (18) de marzo del año dos mil veintidós. (The date is March 18, 2022.)
El Tambor de la Alegría (The Drum of Joy) is a song that was written as a commercial for a Panamanian toldo (open air dance hall) back in 1918. Now, this jingle has become a national symbol for Panama.
“El Tambor de la Alegría” was the name of the toldo. After addressing panameño, vida mía (Panamanian, my life), the refrain of the song continues: “Yo quiero que me lleves al Tambor de la Alegría”—“I want you to take me to El Tambor de la Alegría.”
Let’s sing and dance to the drums of joy! ¡Cantemos y bailemos! (Let’s sing and dance!) Go to this link for la letra (the lyrics) and the story behind the song.
¡Que tengas un viernes vibrante! (May you have a vibrant Friday!)
L. A. Feliz