¡Hoy es sábado sabroso! (Today is savory Saturday!)
La fecha es el cinco (5) de febrero del año dos mil veintidós. (The date is February 5, 2022.)
El plato de la semana es: enchiladas guatemaltecas. (The dish of the week is: Guatemalan enchiladas.)
Traditional Guatemalan enchiladas, also called jardineras, are basically mountains of vegetables and ground beef on top of crunchy corn tortillas.
Los ingredientes para preparar enchiladas son: (The ingredients to prepare enchiladas are:)
carne molida / carne picada | (ground beef) |
tomates | (tomatoes) |
cebolla | (onion) |
huevos duros | (hard boiled eggs) |
queso fresco | (queso fresco – cheese) |
tortillas tostadas | (toasted tortillas) |
lechuga | (lettuce) |
judíos verdes / ejotes / chauchas / vainas / habichuelas | (green beans) |
zanahorias | (carrots) |
guisantes / chicharos / arvejas / peticuas | (green peas) |
remolachas / betabeles / betarragas | (beets) |
perejil | (parsley) |
tomillo | (thyme) |
hojas de laurel | (bay leaves) |
vinagre blanco | (white vinegar) |
aceite de oliva | (olive oil) |
sal | (salt) |
pimienta | (pepper) |
Grab a pan so you can try this recipe. ¡Qué rico! (How delicious!) Practice saying the name of each ingredient as you incorporate it.
¡Que tengas un sábado sabrosísimo! (May you have a super savory Saturday!)
L. A. Feliz