¡Hoy es sábado sabroso! (Today is savory Saturday!)
La fecha es el dos (2) de septiembre/setiembre del año dos mil veintitrés. (The date is September 2, 2023.)
El plato de la semana es: ñoqui con tuco. (The dish of the week is: gnocchi with tuco.)
Ñoqui con tuco is a gnocchi dish traditionally eaten in Uruguay and Argentina on the 29th of each month. While ñoqui are adopted from Italian immigrants, the tuco sauce accompanying it is a South American original.
Para preparar ñoqui con tuco necesitamos: (To prepare ñoqui con tuco, we need:)
aceite de oliva virgin extra | (extra-virgin olive oil) |
pollo | (chicken) |
cebollas | (onions) |
dientes de ajo | (garlic cloves) |
zanahorias | (carrots) |
tomates | (tomatoes) |
caldo de verduras | (vegetable stock) |
hoja de laurel | (bay leaf) |
papas | (potatoes) |
harina | (flour) |
huevos | (eggs) |
nuez moscada | (nutmeg) |
parmesano | (parmesan) |
Travel to Italy and Uruguay in your kitchen with this receta (recipe). ¡Qué rico! (How delicious!) Practice saying the name of each ingredient as you incorporate it. Learn about the history behind the Uruguayan ñoqui tradition in this artículo.
¡Que tengas un sábado sabrosísimo! (May you have a super savory Saturday!)
L. A. Feliz