gallo pinto

¡Hoy es sábado sabroso!     (Today is savory Saturday!)

La fecha es el primero (1st) de enero del año dos mil veintidós. (The date is January 1, 2022.)

El plato de la semana es:     gallo pinto.     (The dish of the week is:     gallo pinto.)

If you have some leftover rice and beans from dinner, you can incorporate them into a typical Costa Rican breakfast. Gallo pinto, which means “spotted rooster,” spices up the beans and rice with just a few more ingredients.

Los ingredientes para preparar gallo pinto son:     (The ingredients to prepare gallo pinto are:)

caldo de frijoles(bean broth)
cebolla amarilla(yellow onion)
pimiento(red pepper)
Salsa Lizano – agua, azúcar, sal, pimiento, ajo, cúrcuma, paprika(Lizano sauce – water, sugar,  salt, red pepper, garlic, turmeric, paprika)
sal marina / sal de mar(sea salt)

If you want to kick off the new year with a new breakfast option, check out this recipe. ¡Qué rico! (How delicious!) Practice saying the name of each ingredient as you use it.

¡Que tengas un sábado sabroso!     (May you have a savory Saturday!)

L. A. Feliz
