¡Hoy es miércoles melado! (Today is honey-colored Wednesday!)
La fecha es el dos (2) de febrero del año dos mil veintidós. (The date is February 2, 2022.)
El postre de la semana es: champurradas. (The dessert of the week is: champurradas.)
Champurradas are traditional Guatemalan cookies that are dipped in coffee or hot chocolate. They are also served spread with refried black beans.
Los ingredientes de champurradas son: (The ingredients of champurradas are:)
harina | (flour) |
levadura en polvo / polvo de hornear | (baking powder) |
sal | (salt) |
manteca / mantequilla | (butter) |
margarina | (margarine) |
azúcar | (sugar) |
aceite vegetal | (vegetable oil) |
huevos | (eggs) |
semillas de ajonjolí / semillas de sésamo | (sesame seeds) |
To get started on your giant champurradas, follow this recipe. ¡Qué dulce! (How sweet!)
¡Que tengas un miércoles milagroso! (May you have a miraculous Wednesday!)
L. A. Feliz