¡Hoy es miércoles melado! (Today is honey-colored Wednesday!)
La fecha es el primero (1st) de enero del año dos mil veinticinco. (The date is January 1, 2025.)
El postre de la semana es: cubanitos. (The dessert of the week is: cubanitos.)
Cubanito means “little Cuban,” referring to the Cuban cigar appearance of these Argentine, filled wafer rolls, similar to Chile’s cuchuflís we learned about.
Para preparar los cubanitos necesitamos: (To prepare cubanitos, we need:)
manteca | (butter) |
azúcar | (sugar) |
harina | (flour) |
agua | (water) |
esencia de vainilla | (vanilla extract) |
canela | (cinnamon) |
Learn the secret to forming your cubanitos in this thirteen-minute video receta (recipe) on Cocineros Argentinos. ¡Qué dulce! (How sweet!)
¡Que tengas un miércoles maravilloso! (May you have a wonderful Wednesday!)
L. A. Feliz