¡Hoy es martes meditativo! (Today is meditative Tuesday!)
La fecha es el veinticuatro (24) de enero del año dos mil veintitrés. (The date is January 24, 2023.)
El dicho de la semana es:
(The saying of the week is: Mere ding ding and nothing of popsicle.)
This Panamanian saying makes me chuckle inside. It uses the metaphor of an ice cream or popsicle vendor ringing their bell to alert potential customers but not producing any ice cream or popsicles when the time comes. Some people make a lot of noise or talk a lot and make promises but fail to deliver. Let’s not be the object of this metaphor.
Practice saying this proverb whenever you observe someone who fails to deliver on promises.
Can you think of a similar proverb in English? Please share it with us.
¡Que tengas un martes motivador! (May you have a motivational Tuesday!)
L. A. Feliz