¡Hoy es martes meditativo!     (Today is meditative Tuesday!)

La fecha es el diez (10) de diciembre del año dos mil veinticuatro. (The date is December 10, 2024.)

El dicho de la semana es:

En boca cerrada no entran moscas.

(The saying of the week is:     Flies don’t enter a closed mouth.)

This Dominican refrain admonishes being discreet and keeping one’s mouth closed for matters that do not concern them. It can also be used to encourage thinking before speaking.

Practice saying this phrase whenever someone tries to insert themself into a conversation that does not involve them.

Can you think of a similar saying in English? Please share it with us.

¡Que tengas un martes metiche!     (May you have a nosy Tuesday!)

L. A. Feliz
