la letra “o”

¡Hoy es lunes lingüístico!     (Today is linguistic Monday!)

La fecha es el veintinueve (29) de enero del año dos mil veinticuatro.     ​(The date is January 29, 2024.)

La letra de la semana es 0.     (The letter of the week is 0.)

Let’s make our vocabulary more descriptive with 7 adjectives that begin with the letter o. You can practice one adjetivo each day of the week.   

Siete (7) adjetivos que inician con la letra o     (7 adjectives that begin with the letter o):

1 (uno) –obvio(obvious)
2 (dos) –ocupado (occupied)
3 (tres) –odiado(hated)
4 (cuatro) – olvidado(forgotten)
5 (cinco) –omnipotente(omnipotent)
6 seis) – orgulloso(proud)
7 (siete) –oscuro /obscuro (dark)

For a refresher and more practice with adjectives, check out the section Adjetivos on pages 63-66 of You Can Speak Spanish! – Volume 1. Which of these adjetivos are cognados (cognates)? To learn more about cognados, refer to page 32.

¡Que tengas un lunes loco!     (May you have a crazy Monday!)

L. A. Feliz
