la letra “equis”

¡Hoy es lunes lingüístico!     (Today is linguistic Monday!)

La fecha es el primero (1st) de abril del año dos mil veinticuatro.     (The date is April 1, 2024.)

La letra de la semana es x.     (The letter of the week is x.)

Let’s make our vocabulary more descriptive with 7 adjectives that contain the letter x. You can practice one adjetivo each day of the week.   

Siete (7) adjetivos que contienen la letra x     (7 adjectives that contain the letter x):

1 (uno) –exento(exempt)
2 (dos) –exigente (demanding)
3 (tres) –exitoso (successful)
4 (cuatro) –expuesto (exposed)
5 (cinco) –extraño (strange)
6 (seis) –extremo (extreme)
7 (siete) –oxidado (rusty)

For a refresher and more practice with adjectives, check out the section Adjetivos on pages 63-66 of You Can Speak Spanish! – Volume 1. Which of these adjetivos are cognados (cognates)? To learn more about cognados, refer to page 32.

¡Que tengas un lunes excelente!     (May you have an excellent Monday!)

L. A. Feliz
