¡Hoy es domingo dividido! (Today is divided Sunday!)
La fecha es el siete (7) de abril del año dos mil veinticuatro. (The date is April 7, 2024.)
Let’s take a look at monthly expenses for life in Spain in this twelve-minute video by locals.
Here is new vocabulary from the video:
chollo | (bargain) |
compatriota | (compatriot) |
publicitar | (to advertise) |
época | (period; time) |
nóminas | (payslips) |
estirar | (to stretch out) |
marca blanca | (store brand) |
por las nubes | (through the roof; sky-high) |
rellenar | (to refill) |
abono mensual | (monthly pass) |
recargar | (to refill) |
patinetes eléctricos | (electric scooters) |
terraza | (terrace) |
palomitas | (popcorn) |
escuela concertada | (charter school) |
hacer hincapié | (to emphasize) |
abanico | (variety) |
¡Que tengas un domingo divertido! (May you have a fun Sunday!)
L. A. Feliz