¡Hoy es domingo dividido! (Today is divided Sunday!)
La fecha es el tres (3) de diciembre del año dos mil veintitrés. (The date is December 3, 2023.)
The economic feature article of this week is:
Economía de Honduras crecerá 3,4% en 2023, según la CEPAL (The economy of Honduras will grow 3.4%, according to the ECLAC)
Here is new vocabulary from the article:
igual | (the same) |
superior | (greater) |
redundar en | (to result in) |
sostenible | (sustainable) |
enfrentar | (to tackle; to confront; to face) |
agravado | (worsened) |
agudización | (sharpening) |
decrecer | (to decrease) |
desplome | (collapse; fall; drop) |
dinamizar | (to revitalize) |
potenciar | (to develop; to improve) |
¡Que tengas un domingo dinamizado! (May you have a revitalized Sunday!)
L. A. Feliz