¡Hoy es domingo dividido! (Today is divided Sunday!)
La fecha es el veintiocho (28) de abril del año dos mil veinticuatro. (The date is April 28, 2024.)
Let’s listen in on a conversation between two catrachos (Hondurans) about the sad reality of the outrageous inflation in Honduras in this four-minute video.
Here is vocabulary from the video:
COHEP | (Honduran Council of Private Enterprise) |
la cruda verdad | (the harsh truth) |
tortilla mordida por quince lempiras | (bitten tortilla for 15 lempiras) |
cena | (dinner) |
doble cuna | (double cradle) |
cachurezco | (garbage) |
mitad de chorizito | (half of a little sausage) |
calculadora | (calculator) |
un huevo cuesta cinco lempiras | (an egg costs 5 lempiras) |
cálculo | (calculation) |
canasta básica | (basic food basket) |
fórmula mágica | (magical formula) |
sé en serio | (be serious) |
fregar | (to be a pest/pain) |
mañas | (tricks) |
gobierno | (government) |
beneficio de la duda | (benefit of the doubt) |
arrepentirse | (to regret; to change one’s mind) |
promedio de personas en cada hogar | (average of people in each home) |
pareja | (couple) |
asalariado | (salaried employee; wage earner) |
burlarse | (to make fun of) |
todavía vives con la mamá | (you still live with your mom) |
ninguna persona vive solo | (no one lives alone) |
cinco integrantes | (5 members) |
¡Que tengas un domingo doble! (May you have a double Sunday!)
L. A. Feliz