¡Hoy es domingo dividido! (Today is divided Sunday!)
La fecha es el catorce (14) de julio del año dos mil veinticuatro. (The date is July 14, 2024.)
Let’s go for a ride with a local boricua (Puerto Rican) in this seventeen-minute video that breaks down the cost of living on the island.
Here is new vocabulary from the video:
clase media baja | (lower middle class) |
equipo móvil | (movil device) |
plan familiar | (family plan) |
pagaré | (IOU) |
gestoría | (management company) |
tajazo | (big cut) |
gozadera | (fun) |
vueltita | (little stroll) |
enfocar | (to focus) |
desenfocar | (to remove focus) |
porquería | (garbage) |
bolsillo | (pocket) |
chelito / chavito | (money) |
aguja | (needle) |
vamos a ver | (we’ll see) |
se mide por litro | (it’s measured by liter) |
abarcar | (to cover) |
ama | (owner, boss) |
guagüita | (little bus) |
goma | (tire) |
mantenimiento | (maintenance) |
esporádicamente | (sporadically) |
ejercitar | (to exercise; to strenghthen) |
mentalmente | (mentally) |
membresía | (membership) |
rebajar | (to thin) |
libra | (pound) |
ponerse lindo | (to make oneself look nice) |
recortar | (to trim) |
recorte | (haircut) |
zumbar | (to slap) |
propina | (tip) |
saliendo | (going out) |
prioridad | (priority) |
bien definido | (well-defined) |
monotonía | (monotony) |
gustito | (like; preference) |
marca | (brand) |
merienda | (snack) |
azúcar bajita | (low sugar) |
fin | (end) |
estómago | (stomach) |
oferta | (sale) |
chequear | (to check) |
buscar los especiales | (to look for specials) |
estirar | (to stretch) |
rellenar | (to refill) |
gallina | (rooster) |
¡Que tengas un domingo diversificado! (May you have a diversified Sunday!)
L. A. Feliz