¡Hoy es domingo dividido!     (Today is divided Sunday!)

La fecha es el catorce (14) de abril del año dos mil veinticuatro. (The date is April 14, 2024.)

Let’s accompany a local chapín (Guatemalan) as he gets a meal at his favorite eatery in this ten-minute video

Here is new vocabulary from the video:

puesto de comida(food stand)
comedor(dining area)
terminal(terminal; station)
carne asada (barbecued meat)
pollo dorado (golden chicken)
caldo de pata(cow foot soup)
pollo guisado (stewed chicken)
gaseosa(carbonated beverage)
cebolla cocida(cooked onion)
caldo de res(beef soup)
chile campana(bell pepper)
cebolla picada(chopped onion)
tortillas tostadas (toasted tortillas)

Do you remember learning about pepián?

¡Que tengas un domingo delicioso!     (May you have a delicious Sunday!)

L. A. Feliz
