¡Hoy es sábado sabroso! (Today is savory Saturday!)
La fecha es el dieciocho (18) de enero del año dos mil veinticinco. (The date is January 18, 2025.)
El plato de la semana es: pebre. (The dish of the week is: pebre.)
Pebre is a Chilean salsa that is traditionally eaten with bread or sopaipillas.
Para preparar el pebre necesitamos: (To prepare pebre, we need:)
cebolla | (onion) |
agua caliente (hirviente) | (hot [boiling] water) |
tomates | (tomatoes) |
cilantro | (cilantro) |
ajo | (garlic) |
agua fría | (cold water) |
limón | (lime) |
aceite de oliva | (olive oil) |
sal | (salt) |
ají | (pepper) |
merquén | (smoked pepper spice mix) |
Prepare your pebre appetizer following this four-minute video receta (recipe). ¡Buen provecho! (Bon appetit!)
¡Que tengas un sábado sabrosísimo! (May you have super savory Saturday!)
L. A. Feliz