¡Hoy es lunes lingüístico! (Today is linguistic Monday!)
La fecha es el veintitrés (23) de diciembre del año dos mil veinticuatro. (The date is December 23, 2024.)
La letra de la semana es c. (The letter of the week is c.)
Ciudad, república, provincia, departamento, and estado are some of the divisions used to distinguish different places in Spanish-speaking countries. To practice reading and preparing ourselves for travel in Spanish-speaking countries, we will learn names of places that begin with C.
Sitios que inician con la letra C (places that start with the letter C):
1 (uno) – Cañar, Ecuador
2 (dos) – Cali, Colombia
3 (tres) – Caracas, Venezuela
4 (cuatro) – Caguas, Puerto Rico
5 (cinco) – Constanza, República Dominicana
6 (seis) – Cienfuegos, Cuba
7 (siete) – Cancún, México
8 (ocho) – Cobán, Guatemala
9 (nueve) – Cojutepeque, El Salvador
10 (diez) – Catacamas, Honduras
For a refresher on pronunciation rules, refer to pages 12-18 and 30 of You Can Speak Spanish! – Volume 1.
¡Que tengas un lunes lúcido! (May you have a clearheaded Monday!)
L. A. Feliz