¡Hoy es domingo dividido! (Today is divided Sunday!)
La fecha es el veintiuno (21) de enero del año dos mil veinticuatro. (The date is January 21, 2024.)
The economic feature article of this week is:
Ministro de Economía proyecta un panorama positivo para 2024; plantea continuar abordando los desafíos estructurales de RD (The Ministry of Economy projects a positive outlook for 204 and suggests continuing to address the structural challenges of the DR)
Here is new vocabulary from the article:
plantear | (to suggest) |
abordar | (to address; to tackle) |
estructural | (structural) |
convertir | (to transform) |
negocio | (business) |
conyuntura | (situation) |
cambio climático | (climate change) |
precisar | (to specify) |
afectado | (affected) |
catedrático | (professor) |
aula | (classroom) |
aprendizaje | (learning) |
desempeño | (performance) |
cerrar | (to close) |
pie | (foot) |
despegarse | (to leave; to take off) |
reiterar | (to reiterate) |
puntualizar | (to specify; to detail) |
mujer | (woman) |
derrotar | (to defeat) |
aparentar | (to seem; to appear) |
¡Que tengas un domingo desempeñado! (May you have a fulfilled Sunday!)
L. A. Feliz