¡Hoy es domingo dividido! (Today is divided Sunday!)
La fecha es el treinta y uno (31) de diciembre del año dos mil veintitrés. (The date is December 31, 2023.)
The economic feature article of this week is:
Economía consolidó en 2023 una recuperación con menor inflación (Economy consolidated a recovery with less inflation in 2023)
Here is new vocabulary from the article:
BCP (Banco Central del Paraguay) | (Central Bank of Paraguay) |
alentador | (encouraging; uplifting) |
meta | (goal; target) |
ubicarse | (to be located) |
altibajo | (setback; hurdle) |
inusitadamente | (uncharacteristically) |
irrupción | (appearance) |
sequía | (drought) |
soja | (soy) |
etapa | (stage) |
jurado | (jury) |
enjuiciamiento | (trial) |
magistrado | (magistrate; judge) |
contramano | (against) |
contramano | (lacking) |
en torno a | (around) |
bolsillo | (pocket) |
ciudadanía | (residents; citizens) |
matriz | (matrix) |
conexo | (connected; related) |
escaso | (rare; scarce) |
MiPyme (Micro, Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas) | (small businesses) |
mayoritario | (majority) |
carne bovina | (beef) |
ganadero | (livestock) |
carne vacuna | (beef) |
enlatado | (canned) |
vaca’i (vaca pequeña) | (corned beef) |
frigorífico | (refrigerator) |
ámbito | (scope; range) |
homologación | (standardization) |
ternero | (calf; veal) |
trazabilidad | (traceability) |
menudencia | (triviality) |
paulatinamente | (gradually) |
recorte | (cut; cutback; reduction) |
alcista | (upward) |
bursátil | (stock-market) |
¡Que tengas un domingo de despliegue! (May you have a showy Sunday!)
L. A. Feliz