¡Hoy es martes meditativo!     (Today is meditative Tuesday!)

La fecha es el quince (15) de agosto del año dos mil veintitrés. (The date is August 15, 2023.)

El dicho de la semana es:

    Al son que le toquen bailan.

(The saying of the week is:     To whatever son is played, they dance.)

This Puerto Rican proverb likens the various challenges in life to different songs. No matter what son a band may play, people will dance to the music. Similarly, no matter what life throws at us, we accept the challenges.

Practice saying this proverb whenever challenges come your way.

Can you think of a similar saying in English? Please share it with us.

¡Que tengas un martes musculoso!     (May you have a nice Tuesday!)

L. A. Feliz
