¡Hoy es domingo dividido! (Today is divided Sunday!)
La fecha es el dieciocho (18) de junio del año dos mil veintitrés. (The date is June 18, 2023.)
Las monedas de la semana son: el balboa panameño y el dólar estadounidense. (The currencies of the week are: the Panamanian balboa and the US dollar.)
Panama has two official currencies. However, only the coins of balboa currency are used. US dollar banknotes and coins are used. The current exchange rate is 1 PAB (balboa panameño) to one US dollar. (For up-to-date exchange rates, visit xe.com.)
When ordering food, a simple phrase that can be used is:
Quiero … por favor. (I want … please.)
Practice using this phrase with Panamanian menu items that we’ve learned about:
- ensalada de feria (Quiero ensalada de feria, por favor.)
- changas de maíz nuevo
- carimañolas
- hojaldres
- mamallena
- chicheme
- pesada de nance
- orejitas
It’s time for you to practice numbers with menu items. If you’re struggling with numbers, hold tight just a little longer. Volume 2 of You Can Speak Spanish! will guide you through using numbers in Spanish. I will provide links to help you answer the following question for our featured menu items:
¿Cuánto cuesta/n…? (How much is/are…?)
- ensalada de feria Ensalada de feria cuesta … dólares. (Ensalada de feria costs … dólares.)
- changas de maíz nuevo
- carimañolas
- hojaldres
- mamallena
- chicheme
- pesada de nance
- orejitas
¡Que tengas un domingo deleitable! (May you have a delightful Sunday!)
L. A. Feliz