¡Hoy es martes meditativo!     (Today is meditative Tuesday!)

La fecha es el nueve (9) de mayo del año dos mil veintitrés. (The date is May 9, 2023.)

El dicho de la semana es:

No es lo mismo verla venir, que platicar con  ella.

(The saying of the week is:     It’s not the same to see her come as it is to chat with her.)

This popular Guatemalan proverb is about taking action. Watching a person pass by will not yield the same results as engaging them in a conversation. Similarly, simply setting a goal and actually taking steps to reach a goal yield different results.

Practice saying this proverb whenever you set a goal for yourself.

Can you think of a similar saying in English? Please share it with us.

¡Que tengas un martes medido!     (May you have a calculated Tuesday!)

L. A. Feliz
