¡Hoy es jueves jovial!     (Today is jovial Thursday!)

La fecha es el veintisiete (27) de abril del año dos mil veintitrés. (The date is April 27, 2023.)

Recordemos la Batalla de Pichincha.   (Let’s remember the Battle of Pichincha.)

The Batalla de Pichincha took place on May 24, 1822 by the Pichincha Volcano in Quito, Ecuador. This battle was an important event that helped several Ecuadorian cities gain independence from Spain. To commemorate this battle, festivities are held yearly by the Pichincha Volcano.

Features of the celebration of the Batalla de Pichincha include:

fiesta nacional / feriado nacional(public holiday)
museo – Cima de la Libertad(Cima de la Libertad Museum, which is dedicated to the battle and offers amazing views of the city)
banderas nacionales(national flags)
desfiles militares(military parades)
exhibiciones aéreas(aerial exhibitions by the Ecuadorian Air Force)
desfiles escolares(school parades)
cohetes / fuegos artificiales(fireworks)

¡El Volcán Pichincha nos espera! (The Pichincha Volcano is waiting for us!) 

¡Que tengas un jueves jubiloso!     (May you have a jubilant Thursday!)

L. A. Feliz
