¡Hoy es martes meditativo!     (Today is meditative Tuesday!)

La fecha es el veinticinco (25) de abril del año dos mil veintitrés. (The date is April 25, 2023.)

El dicho de la semana es:

Oro guardado no da ganancias.

(The saying of the week is:     Stored gold does not give earnings.)

This Ecuadorian proverb points out how money must be spent or invested to benefit us. I also think that oro (gold) can be a metaphor for knowledge. If we don’t share the knowledge we have or apply it in our lives, it does not benefit us.

Practice saying this proverb whenever you earn money or learn something new.

Can you think of a similar proverb in English? Please share it with us.

¡Que tengas un martes monetario!     (May you have a monetary Tuesday!)

L. A. Feliz
