
¡Hoy es jueves jovial!     (Today is jovial Thursday!)

La fecha es el nueve (9) de febrero del año dos mil veintitrés. (The date is February 9, 2023.)

Juguemos al kukuli.     (Let’s play kukuli.)

Kukuli is a Peruvian variation of a board game that is more commonly known as komikan, ajedrez inca (Incan chess), or el león y las ovejas (the lion and the sheep). This game requires two players. One player is in charge of the ukuku (Indian man) piece whose “home” is the triangle section of the board. The ukuku can move one space at a time or hop over the kukulis (Indian lady pieces) to capture them. The other player is in charge of the twelve or fifteen kukulis. The kukulis can only move one space at a time. They aim to surround the ukuku and immobilize him or occupy the seven points around his triangular house.

Para jugar al kukuli, necesitamos:     (To play kukuli, we need:)

dos jugadores(2 players)
tablero de alquerque con un triángulo(alquerque board with a triangle)
doce o quince fichas de kukulis (indias)(12 or 15 kukuli (Indian lady) pieces)
una ficha de ukuku (indio)(1 ukuku (Indian man) piece)

¡Juguemos! (Let’s play!) Try reading the reglas (rules) for kukuli and other variations of ajedrez inca in Spanish.

¡Que tengas un jueves jubiloso!     (May you have a jubilant Thursday!)

L. A. Feliz
