¡Hoy es martes meditativo! (Today is meditative Tuesday!)
La fecha es el veintinueve (29) de noviembre del año dos mil veintidós. (The date is November 29, 2022.)
El dicho de la semana es:
(The saying of the week is: Forward with the lanterns!)
Ancient Spanish processions inspired this colloquial Ecuadorian expression. When someone declares, “¡Adelante con los faroles!”, they demonstrate that they are determined to initiate, continue, or persevere in a feat that they have already started, no matter what obstacles come along the way. This expression can also be declared to someone else as encouragement.
Practice saying this proverb whenever you feel encouraged.
Can you think of a similar proverb in English? Please share it with us.
¡Que tengas un martes marcado! (May you have a noticeable Tuesday!)
L. A. Feliz