¡Hoy es martes meditativo!     (Today is meditative Tuesday!)

La fecha es el quince (15) de noviembre del año dos mil veintidós. (The date is November 15, 2022.)

El dicho de la semana es:  

Cuando se agota el pozo es cuando se conoce lo que vale el agua.

(The saying of the week is:     When the well runs out, the value of water is recognized.)

What do you think this Costa Rican proverb means? I think it highlights how we may not appreciate valuable people or things until they’re gone. I feel like I need to spend more time each day reflecting on the beautiful things in my life.

Practice saying this proverb every day before your well runs dry.

Can you think of a similar proverb in English? Please share it with us.

¡Que tengas un martes melancólico!     (May you have a nostalgic Tuesday!)

L. A. Feliz
